Monday, September 23, 2024

Paintings of Japan Autumn & Paintings of Japan Spring

Paintings of Japan - Autumn
by Angela Pan
adapted from the zine 21 Days in Japan by Angela Pan 
2019, reprinted 2023
Paintings of Japan - Spring
by Angela Pan
Paintings of Japan - Autumn and Paintings of Japan - Spring are a pair of art books by Angela Pan about two trips she took to Japan in 2019 and 2022. Autumn is an expanded reprinting of Pan's earlier art zine 21 Days in Japan, and Spring is wholly new. On both trips, she was based in Tokyo, and took additional day-trips by train.
In each book, Pan pairs essays about each site with a series of paintings she made there. Mount Fuji and historic Kyoto get plenty of space in both. Spring also features a lot of cherry blossoms. Each book is only about 40 pages long, so while these are bigger than zines, they're still quick reads.

Pan paints in acrylics. Her art is bright and colorful with lots of pinks and oranges, blues and purples. I felt like I noticed some improvement over the two books. The images in Spring seem a both tighter and more detailed than the ones in Autumn.

On the other hand, the art in Autumn seems a bit more varied and experimental. Pan includes images of food, people and cats she saw, and even inserts herself into some scenes. In Spring she focuses exclusively on cityscapes and broader landscapes. Those are the most common images in Autumn too, but not the only ones. Perhaps Pan's refinement of her technique has included a conscious decision to restrict her subject matter and focus on the larger scale. Or perhaps her goal of viewing the cherry blossoms on that trip made her want to give all her attention to the landscapes.

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